Banana and Zuchinni Muffins, a gift for a friend with sad news.
Using some of the garlic harvest. A bamboo steamer makes an excellent storage container for the bulbs that were lacking stems to plait.
The little Bowerbird loves garlic, she ate 12 cloves and stank of garlic for two days - some of the cloves could have been a bit more cooked but came out as the tomatoes were done. It's amazing how they impart their flavour to the things around them, even when in their papery parcels. All that garlic must have served the Little Bowerbird well as the first of the Autumn bugs is doing the rounds in our house, and she's the only one who has been spared.
The biggest Bowerbird couldn't stop eating these slow roasted tomatoes and she doesn't even like tomatoes. So sweet, intense, delicious. I couldn't stop pecking at them. We had some with pasta and some smeared on toast with marinated fetta. I froze a bag as well. A great quick way of preserving some of the harvest. I've already made a huge batch of chutney and have another harvest basket demanding my attention.
More home grown tomatoes cooking. The green ones are green zebras, this year they are huge and quite thin skinned, only lasting a few days when picked, but very tasty.
Used my slow cooked tomato, onion and garlic mix for a pasta sauce and a vegie lasagne.
The home grown carrots keep giving.
An unanniversary dinner. We never married, so we celebrate the day we met, 21 years ago on the 21st, sounds auspicious. Wine, takeaway wood fired pizzas, devoured on picnic rugs in the lounge room. Because I was sick of cooking and dishes, and feeling a little lazy, I had the revelation of using newspaper for plates - straight to the compost when finished. Special I know. We rarely get takeaway so this was quite a treat, and our local pizza place under new ownership produced some pretty tasty pizzas.
We've talked about going out for a desert share plate at Mr Carsisi in Kyneton, to continue the celebration, but have all been hunkering in with colds. I got the most beautiful gift from Mr Bowerbird of 20hrs bossing about the house or garden (he even laminated it for me with a month expiry date). Where to begin. So much to do so little time.
I am still daydreaming about that desert share plate. We've had it twice and I am in love.